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- 04 Limited Sazabys|The super high-tone voice of “04 Limited Sazabys” is too amazing!
- UNISON SQUARE GARDEN|The sense of music in “UNISON SQUARE GARDEN” is divine!
- DAOKO|Her talent was recognized by Genji Yonezu.
- My Hair Is Bad|Don’t miss out on My Hair is Bad, a male band that sings about love!
- Official 髭男dism (Official HIGE Dandyism)
- indigo la end|Another band of Ennon Kawatani from Gesu no Kiwami Otome
- ゲスの極み乙女”Gesu no Kiwami Otome”
- BABY METAL|A heavy metal-idol BABYMETAL is now expanding to the world!
- ONE OK ROCK|The first and the best! Japan’s world-class artist
- 04 Limited Sazabys|The super high-tone voice of “04 Limited Sazabys” is too amazing!
- MONOEYES|MONOEYES” is a project of Hosomi of ELLEGARDEN, whose members are all very talented people!
- Bentham
- a crowd of rebellion
- Suchmos|apparently different styles from typical Japanese rock bands
- indigo la end|Another band of Ennon Kawatani from Gesu no Kiwami Otome
- Hump Back|Ten years after their formation