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- Saucy Dog | A tender love song by the young ballad band Saucy Dog is hot!
- bonobos
- BABY METAL|A heavy metal-idol BABYMETAL is now expanding to the world!
- Perfume|Perfume performed their new song 再生”Rebirth”!
- サイダーガール|”Carbonated Sound” cider girl.
- LAMP IN TERREN|LAMP IN TERREN is the epitome of rock ‘n’ roll! Note the vocalist’s singing ability.
- a crowd of rebellion
- Hump Back|Ten years after their formation
- Official 髭男dism (Official HIGE Dandyism)
- MONOEYES|MONOEYES” is a project of Hosomi of ELLEGARDEN, whose members are all very talented people!
- フレデリック / Frederic|Frederic’s got too many talents. Highly addictive music is popular.
- never young beach|led by a charismatic vocalist, is hot!
- ゲスの極み乙女”Gesu no Kiwami Otome”
- BIGMAMA|band with a violin! And the vocal falsetto is beautiful!
- Suchmos|apparently different styles from typical Japanese rock bands
- My Hair Is Bad|Don’t miss out on My Hair is Bad, a male band that sings about love!